About the Database of Antiretroviral Drug Interactions

HIV Drug Interactions Database

This HIV Drug Interactions Database contains drug interactions involving at least one antiretroviral drug that the editors have found reported in published articles, abstracts from major conferences, or information presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (generally reflected in product labeling).

Studies demonstrating the absence of an interaction are also included. In addition to interactions demonstrated by data, interactions inferred from predicted mechanisms of drug metabolism are included when judged to be of potential clinical significance. Additive toxicities resulting or predicted from shared side-effect profiles are not included, unless a true pharmacokinetic interaction is thought to contribute (for information on additive toxicities, refer to the Drug Interactions Tables from the DHHS Adult & Adolescent Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines). In vitro studies, results reported in brief letters, and animal studies are not generally included. Interactions between non-HIV drugs are not included. 

Possible alternative agents listed represent potential options of which the editors are aware. They are not treatment recommendations and are not intended to be exhaustive. Recommendations not to coadminister, to dose adjust, or to avoid a given combination reflect the opinions of the editors and may not apply to individual situations. 


The information contained in this database is intended for use by experienced clinicians, who are advised to use it only in conjunction with other sources of information. The database is not intended to replace sound professional judgment in individual situations. Patients with concerns or questions should consult their physician regarding any change in treatment. 

The contributors to this site have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of the date of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this site may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. Users are advised to recheck the information contained herein with the original source before applying it to patient care. Members of the lay public using this site are advised to consult with a physician regarding personal medical care. 

The information contained herein is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The contributors to this site, including the AETC NCRC and the University of California San Francisco, disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein. 

Drug Interactions Database Faculty 

Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD 
Editor-in-Chief and Pharmacy Editor
Professor & Vice Chair for Faculty Development 
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy 
University of California San Francisco 

Susa Coffey, MD 
Medical Editor, AETC National Coordinating Resource Center
Professor, University of California San Francisco
Attending Physician, UCSF Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases (ID) and Global Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFGH) 
Lead, RAPID ART program at ZSFGH